Kewtech, Associate Members of Select
Select is the trade association for the electrical contracting industry in Scotland.
As associate members of Scotland’s largest construction trade association, Kewtech continue to support their efforts in improving industry standards and creating a sustainable business environment.
Supporting it’s Members.
Select helps each of its 1,250 Business members to thrive by providing a broad range of services and benefits, including technical advice, health and safety guidance and employment information.
Representing the industry.
As the authoritative voice of the Scottish electrotechnical industry, select help to shape the sector, lobbying government to reflect the views and requirements of our Members.
Select also help set and monitor industry standards, including the BS 7671 Wiring Regulations, and participate in a wide range of technical, regulatory and industrial relations negotiations.
Protecting the public.
Every SELECT Member undergoes a rigorous and regular technical assessment to ensure that their work is safe and installed to recognised industry standards.Membership of SELECT gives the public confidence that they are dealing with a quality contractor, backed by a code of practice which includes a complaint resolution and disciplinary procedure.
For further peace of mind, Select also operate a contract completion guarantee scheme and are committed to regulation of the industry to maintain the highest standards and keep Scotland safe.
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